Monday ROCKS

Last week was tumultuous, to say the least.

One doesn’t hear that word much these days outside of het romance novels: tumultuous. But it’s a good word, and it sums up the roller coaster of emotion I experienced before, during, and after I cleared up that little matter of my biology versus my gender.

It’s a whole new week, and I woke up happy today, as I have every day for a while now. I live in paradise! I see the sun every morning and most evenings. I am never cold. I have two jobs I love (editing and writing). I work at home, where I have a great view. As I type this, the ducks are floating along the canal and a Great Egret just flew by, going north.

I love my life! I have wonderful friends and just enough money to enjoy a special treat once in a while, like buying that computer desk yesterday. I’m sitting at it now. 🙂

I have rarely felt so centered and peaceful, and a lot of that is due to you, my readers and friends. Thank you.

And now for some photos. I told you R and I went to a country diner last week for dinner. I wasn’t impressed, but I’ll likely give them another try. 1) There aren’t a lot of places to eat in the neighborhood, and 2) never judge a restaurant by one meal unless it makes you upchuck.

I took this pic standing at the back door. The sign says they are selling honey, and around back on the left is another outdoor eating area, that one covered.

Alva Diner Outside 7.30.14 sm


I took a pic inside, but it’s pretty much your standard two rooms with well-worn wooden floors and a kitchen at the back. So instead, I’ll post this pic I took as we were leaving. Across from the area above is more parking and a gorgeous tree hung with Spanish moss. You see these trees all over here. Ancient, venerable, beautiful. Note the plants growing up the trunk. I love that! Alva Diner Tree 7.30.14 sm

I live in a condo. They are laid out in a line north to south parallel to the canal, three to five units in a section. I’m in the middle of a section, but down the line from me near the Camille Island Park is a residence that sports a giant cactus, a colorful bush, and a tree bursting with color. Suki and I walk that way often just to gawk. That cactus blows me away. Another resident told me that cactus has been hacked down several times to control growth, yet it comes back healthy again and again. When it blooms, it’s going to be breathtaking.Condo Color 8.2.14 sm

The following photo is a couple of apple snails in the rocks underwater in the canal. I love the delicate hues inside the one shell. Apple snails underwater 8.3.14 sm

Everywhere I look, there is beauty. I wish the same for you! Have a great week. 🙂

About Fenraven

Fenraven lives in central Florida, which reminds him of Wisconsin and Minnesota. Find him on Twitter and Facebook by searching on 'fenraven'.
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37 Responses to Monday ROCKS

  1. brighamvaughn says:

    Gorgeous pics (love the snail!) and it’s wonderful to hear you’re so happy.

  2. Marleen Kennedy says:

    Your post just put a huge smile on my face. It’s great to see you so happy and content. The photo’s, as always, are gorgeous and make me all the more determined to keep on saving.

  3. Jaycee Edward says:

    I adored this post. Thank you for sharing your photos and pieces of your day with us. The snail shell reminds me of that Sarah MacLaughlin song, Ordinary Miracle.

    • I have recently found a lot of snail shells in the grass, along with shiny, beautiful pieces of shell. I don’t know what’s going on. I have to research it. But I bring them home when I see them.

  4. djmichealsfics says:

    Gorgeous pics, you’ve put a smile on my face this morning. Thanks so much Theo.

  5. A.M.B. says:

    Great to hear, Theo. Thanks for the pictures. That cactus is amazing!

    • It is! I love looking at it. Btw, I sent you an email yesterday. Did you get it?

      • A.M.B. says:

        I just found it! Sorry for missing your email earlier. I really need to set up a new email address. This one gets so many notifications that I often miss real messages.

        Thanks for the list of children’s books! I have a few of them (like And Tango Makes Three, which I love, & 10,000 Dresses, which is good but I struggle with the way it portrays the stereotype that dresses are associated with female gender). This list will help me put together a box of picture books for a friend of mine who just had a baby. 🙂

  6. suze294 says:

    Morning (or probably afternoon now, it is here) – glad to hear you sounding so up beat. Nothing more to say – love the spanish moss tree photo

    • It’s very green here right now, thanks to all the rain we’ve been getting. While it’s still warm during “winter” months, the green fades, especially the grass, because it’s our dry period. I’m coming to appreciate the humidity here. It makes the air feel like silk.

  7. Jace O'Hare says:

    Hi Theo, Don’t think I’ve ever commented here but I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now. It still looks like summer there. Here in Alaska we are starting to see the very first signs of fall. Glad to hear you are feeling good after last week.

    • Nice to see you here, Jace. It’s summer all the time here, except for a few rare days in January or February. Climate change is evident here, too, but mostly, the weather is great. 🙂

      Alaska is beautiful, but the winters dissuade me from considering it a place to live. Do you live on the coast or inland?

      • Jace O'Hare says:

        I’m about an hours drive north of Anchorage. Lots of rivers and lakes and hills and mountains. I always wish I was a better photographer when I’m hiking. My pictures never really capture the vastness that I see. The biggest problem that I have with the winters is that they are LONG. Snow on the ground from early October to late April. But, I get to go the Hawaii this fall 🙂

        • You consider that long? Winter is about that length in MN. First snow early to mid October, last snow… who the hell knows? Last year, it was still snowing in June. 😦

  8. Yvonne says:

    It’s a joy to read your posts now that you’ve moved to the sunny south. I liked following your blog before too but it really makes a difference, the happy just bounces off the screen.

  9. Allison says:

    It’s wonderful to feel your happiness, we all should love where we live as much as you love it there. I love the mossy tree, gorgeous.

  10. Lisa says:

    Theo, these photos are really beautiful! I especially love the shells which is now my wallpaper on my laptop 😀 Have you ever considered submitting your photos to National Geographic? On their website, they have under their Photography link, a place for hobbyist and professional photographers to submits photos. You should really consider it. Some of your photos are so much better than some that I have seen displayed on the website.

  11. valjo44 says:

    I totally agree with what Lisa said….
    I love Spanish moss on trees. It looks so mysterious but I’ve always wondered…..where does it come from, I mean it’s just sorta hanging there but where did it start? It doesn’t look like it “grows” on the trees……it’s always looked like someone’s come along and draped this stuff on the trees like tinsel at Christmas. (Just one of those random questions :)).
    The cactus looks like what we’ve got in California, huge! A lot of the Hispanic families use it in their cooking.

    • No idea where it comes from, but there are places in Florida where it’s killing the trees, it’s so heavy. This effect may have to do with the tree it festoons, too. I don’t know enough about it. Yet.

  12. Patricia says:

    I miss my ivory cactus blooms so much, from my old Florida house. In the morning they point east, they are magnificent. Yes, the stalks grow up again no matter how low you hack them.

  13. It is so good to hear the joy in your words, and your photographs are breath-taking! 🙂 Thanks for sharing that with us, Theo!

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